How to start organized at work?

September 02, 2020

How to start organized at work?

When it comes to being organized at your day job, it sometimes seems impossible. Your emails are always overflowing and all you want to do is dream about that cocktail that you will be having later with your friends. I remember when I first started to get jobs that were pertaining to my ultimate career goals. I felt like I was already the most organized person in the world coming straight out of college and I thought working would be the same. Not so much.


1.Try Not To Multitask

This might sound counterproductive, but it's actually the correct way to work. If you are solely only focusing on one task at hand, you will actually complete it much faster than working on multiple projects.


2.Write A List Of Your Tasks For The Day

If there is one thing that I will never get tired of, it is writing a list. It helps me focus my mind and schedules my day out so I know what exactly I need to focus on first. The work load in the office can seem daunting, but writing a list everyday before you go to bed is actually beneficial for you. It will help release any worries of uncompleted assignments you think you might forget and it will give you a jumpstart to your day in the morning.


3.Make Sure To Take Breaks

For most Americans, we actually feel guilty taking breaks throughout our work shift. We sometimes feel if and when we do, we actually lose time during our day to complete the mountain-size load of work. But it's actually really important to take that 30-minute lunch break to keep sane and organized.


4.Turn The Notifications Off On Your Phone

This might seem like a no-brainer, but notifications are pretty distracting, especially when you are at work. It automatically makes your mind have major FOMO, and now you can't refocus on the task at hand tow which then, you become unorganized.


You might wonder, why being organized at Work Matters ?

The concept of organization is so much more than simply tidying your workspace. It helps you maintain clarity within your mind and leads to more work getting accomplished on a daily basis. Here are just a few benefits of getting organized.


Boosts Productivity

Being productive means something different to pretty much any person you talk to within any industry. Before you can recognize whether or not you’re being productive, you must define what it means to you. Whether it’s saving you time with finding things or pounding out more analytics reports in an hour, make sure you understand your distinction.

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